Use of adjunct wide-field optical coherence tomography to visualize margins during breast conserving surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ: a case series
In our newly released case study, Dr. Amelia Tower, breast surgical oncologist, describes how she used Perimeter’s OCT imaging in the OR to evaluate tissue microstructures and identify regions of concern that were not detected with specimen radiography. This allowed her to make real-time clinical decisions to excise additional tissue during the primary surgery, which spared 3 patients from re-excision surgeries.
We recently adopted the use of wide-field optical coherence tomography (WF-OCT)—an imaging modality that enables high-resolution visualization of tissue organization and architecture near the surface of excised tissue samples—into our breast surgical oncology practice. Herein we describe adjunct, intraoperative use of WF-OCT to image the margins of lumpectomy specimens during breast-conserving surgery (BCS).
The intraoperative decisions made by the surgeon after review of the WF-OCT images improved confidence in the completeness of resection, while sparing these 3 patients—2 of whom faced social obstacles to follow-up care—from the need for reoperation.
The S-Series OCT device is indicated for use as an imaging tool in the evaluation of excised human tissue microstructure, by providing two-dimensional, cross-sectional, real-time depth visualization, with image review manipulation software for identifying and annotating regions of interest.
The device has a general indication and is not specifically indicated for use in any tissue type.
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