
Product and Technology Information

S-Series Brochure

The Perimeter S-Series OCT provides high-definition 3D imagery of margins during surgery, giving surgeons clarity to make informed decisions in real time before closing.


What is OCT?

OCT is a non-invasive optical imaging technique that produces images of subsurface tissue structures. Analogous to ultrasound, it uses light instead of sound, resulting in 10x higher resolution. This brochure provides more information on the benefits of OCT and how it works.


OCT vs. X-ray

Since positive surgical margins can lead to re-excisions, determining clear margins at the time of surgery is vital. Traditional imaging technologies like X-ray do not have the resolution needed to visualize margins at the cellular level, and all residual disease cannot be detected in the cavity by sight or palpation. Surgeons need advanced technology support in the OR to optimize clinical decision making.


Patient-Centered Decision-Making for Cavity Shaves

Research shows that Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) technology has the potential to increase confidence that the tumor has been excised with sufficient margins, or to indicate that additional cavity shavings are advisable prior to closing.


Company Informatioon

Perimeter Overview

Perimeter Medical Imaging AI provides the medical community with innovative imaging tools needed to build confidence in the operating room.



Case Study — Breast Oncology by Amelia Tower, DO, FACOS


S-Series Brochure


OCT vs. X-ray


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